Dr Tarek Omar Integrated Clinics

Dr Tarek Omar Integrated Clinics

Dr Tarek Omar Integrated Clinics is a private multi-disciplinary organization that offers diagnostic and therapeutic interventions for children and young people with various neurological diseases and disabilities. It also offers a comprehensive diagnostic and intervention multi-disciplinary services for children and young people with autism through its autism center. 

Dr Tarek Omar Integrated Clinics provides an Integrated holistic perspective in service provision for children with neurological diseases and disabilities. This perspective includes a child and family friendly approach that targets the inclusion of every child in his/her own community. 

We aspire to get the excellence and precedence in the care of children with neurological diseases and disabilities based on evidence.  Dr Tarek Omar Integrated Clinics practices its profession within a scientific evidence-based framework that ensures that ethical context in every step, adopts the highest quality standards, addresses the perspective of continuing professional development, and encompasses the most recent up-to-date research findings.



[Mohamed Sabry Street Building # 5 – Janaklees Tram Station – Janaklees Alexandria, Egypt 21532]