Scientific Center for Autism and Developmental Disorder (SCADD)

Scientific Center for Autism and Developmental Disorder (SCADD)

SCADD was founded to be an elite daycare center focused on providing supportive services and comprehensive care to children with autism. As one of the first such centers in Jordan, SCADD created a vision to become a regional scientific center for children with autism. Founded in 2010, the organization has become a leading provider of such services in the Middle East and North Africa. The organization was developed to meet the growing need within the region for such a diverse program. With a desire to become a truly cutting-edge facility, SCADD started its mission early to focus on the science of applied behavior analysis. From its foundation, SCADD has been praised for its team and its dedication to its service. A key component of the service SCADD provides is an appreciation of the rights of children who have autism and related disorders. We firmly believe that all children deserve the access they need to education and therapy to achieve their best levels possible. We believe that science and therapy like this are not just available services but are truly rights for all children not just in Jordan but around the world.

Villa 13, Al-Kaoun St., Amman 11173, Jordan