Zarrow Institute on Transition & Self-Determination at the University of Oklahoma
The Zarrow Institute on Transition & Self-Determination at the University of Oklahoma strives to promote successful transition outcomes for all by implementing innovative research, putting findings into practice, and disseminating knowledge through high-quality products and professional development. As such, the OU-ZI has two programs that directly serve autistic students on the OU Campus (Sooner Works and SPARK360°). In attention to indirectly serving students through education professional development and transition related resources.
Special Programs
Sooner Works:
In 2019, OU-ZI initiated the Sooner Works program, a four-year comprehensive integrated program for students with an intellectual or developmental disability who desire a postsecondary experience on a college campus. Students in Sooner Works will graduate with a certificate in Integrated Community Studies. They live on campus and take traditional university courses in conjunction with courses specific to Sooner Works. In addition, students participate in internships and social organizations on the OU campus.
In 2023, OU-ZI launched SPARK360o, an autism support program for traditionally admitted, degree-seeking undergraduate students with autism at OU. SPARK360o is designed to support program participants as they navigate the hidden college curriculum. SPARK360o provides full circle support for autistic students through academic planning, transition support, employment skills, independent living, and social development.