CertifiedAutismCenter.com is provided by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES), the industry leader in training and certification in autism and other cognitive disorders.
IBCCES has provided certification and training to licensed healthcare professionals and educators across the globe since 2001.
IBCCES works with our advisory board to ensure our content is up-to-date and includes a variety of approaches and best practices from multiple disciplines. Our board is composed of neurologists, special education administrators, speech language pathologists, BCBAs, individuals on the spectrum, and other experts in their field. Learn more about us at ibcces.org.
IBCCES created CertifiedAutismCenter.com to help families easily access valuable information and certified resources.
Our Goals

After so many years of learning how to integrate our 15-year old son with autism into our community, it is refreshing to witness society becoming more aware of how hard we work to provide the same type of recreation and entertainment families without special needs enjoy. I really applaud the organizations who go above and beyond to become trained and certified in autism and other special needs.