What is a Certified Provider?
These organizations and individual providers are committed to ongoing training and education to remain experts in the field. A Certified Autism Center™ (CAC) is a facility or organization in which at least 80% of their staff is highly trained, fully equipped and certified in the field of autism. A Board Certified Cognitive Center (BCCC) is an organization that undergoes training and certification in areas of autism, ADHD, dyslexia and anxiety and more. And certified providers include professionals in both healthcare and education that completed additional training to better assist autistic individuals or those dealing with other mental health and sensory sensitivities.
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Individuals with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) need autism certified recreational activities. Many times, we concentrate on housing and education, neglecting the need for ‘fun’. We do the same activities – roller skating, movies and outdoor activities, never thinking outside the box. Having other opportunities will increase individuals’ quality of life immensely. I will always encourage people providing experiences from organizations that are committed and understand people with an ASD.

In an unprecedented manner, the IBCCES Certified Autism Center program continues to expand travel options for people on the autism spectrum and their families. The work of IBCCES brings us closer to where understanding and support of the autism community by travel providers and destination points will become the rule rather than the exception.

As someone who serves on the Panel of People on the Spectrum of Autism Advisors (PSA) for the Autism Society and as a board member of IBCCES, I’ve had the opportunity to see firsthand the tremendous work that both these groups continue to provide for our community. I’m thrilled with this endorsement from the Autism Society and I hope our families will be excited as they look at all the inclusive travel options IBCCES continues to provide. I can’t stress the impact that this will have in terms of forward progress, as when I was growing up on the autism spectrum I could only dream about having these options available for me and my family.

My training and certification have helped me to be a more resourceful and confident consultant. Since receiving my IBCCES certification, I have a better understanding of the importance of being a consistent role model. For example, it has always been important to me to be aware of the words/phrases/visuals I use during instruction related to behavior, academics, or social learning. The standards set by IBCCES have provided structure for my work as a consultant and greatly enhanced the supports I provide to school personnel. The additional knowledge and skills I have gained allows me to serve students and teachers with more confidence.

We are so proud to have become a Certified Autism Center after our associates went through specialized training provided by the wonderful staff of IBCCES. Families that live with autism can feel comfortable knowing our employees understand their needs. We have continuing education and videos available today to help us maintain this caring and inclusive culture throughout our resort.